religious exemption sample letter for work

The first reason is that the vaccine was developed from aborted fetal cell lines. An example of a lawful mandate might include a decree that all people return to their city of birth to be taxed. By Chloe Reichel. In the Islamic religion they have man called the Mahdi who is known as their messiah of whom they are waiting to take the stage. Psalm 139:13-16 13 For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mothers womb. 1. Please feel free to share this religious exemption letter template with whoever you deem needs it. The first reason is that the vaccine was developed from aborted fetal cell lines. In him, Liz. Statement regarding the peculiar implementation of the COVID-19 mandates. RELIGIOUS EXEMPTION - SAMPLE LETTERS. In addition, Covid has a 99% survival rate. These statements of faith and belief are not meant to disparage or condemn any other person who does not share these same beliefs or interpretation of religion. Remember my previous point about God confirming in threes is key to unlocking the number 666. A religious exemption letter is a letter that is written to request an exemption from a requirement or obligation based on religious beliefs. It is our understanding that Christians are to submit to lawful authority, yet we are provided with numerous examples that we are not obliged to obey leaders who presume to command that we obey contrary to Gods law. He came on stage claiming to be a Christian with no affiliation to the Muslim faith, In our lives, Michelle and I have been strengthened by our Christian faith. Genesis 1:26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth., Genesis 3:22 And the Lord God said, Now that the man has become like one of us, knowing good and bad, what if he should stretch out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever!. When the whole world moves to cause all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a blasphemous sacrament so that they might be permitted to receive a special identification called a green pass or COVID passport or proof of vaccination so that they may be allowed to buy and sell, to work and travel, and otherwise survive in todays economic world and society to feed their families, how is it that anyone can question that any biblical Christian might indeed have sincerely rooted religious objections against complying with such a mandate? I do not want to partake in any vaccine that could jeopardize my ability to reproduce and have babies which is something God has called me to do. Please feel free to share this religious exemption letter template with whoever you deem needs it. (Name, contact information) ### Date: Don't assume employers, colleges or schools that require COVID-19 vaccinations will offer religious exemptions. Likewise, if people truly needed a vaccine to live, there would be no need for a mandate, and no need to attempt to punish those that resist such a mandate. Employers are required to accommodate religious observances and practices unless doing so imposes an undue hardship on the business. We would be happy to provide a response in writing for your records. Waiting to see if they accept it. I am not to allow myself to have the Covid beliefs to the COVID 19 vaccination placed within my body given the reality of my doubts about it. This includes any such, To us that are called to partake of Christs body and blood so that we also may have life, the suggestion that we should partake of a different body and blood, even of murdered infants, so that society will allow us to live or exist is perceived as, Setting aside an in-depth debate or discussion regarding every possible example of physical or spiritual defilement, it is also said that. These rights are protected by Title VII of the Civil I have met many people who have gotten sick with Covid after taking the vaccine which makes me doubt its effectiveness. I believe that this would be the best solution to protect my religious freedom and keep Long Island University safe. We agree with the Civil Rights Act of 1964, that when a . You can edit this and make it your own letter to a governor or a school/work place. Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour, and hate thine enemy. I have numerous concerns about the vaccine. What is compelling about the number 162, is, if you divide 144,000 by 162, you get 888. These are notes from a man named Carl Sanders who worked with a team of engineers to help develop this microchip in the late 1960s. Revelation 13:17 tells us that we cannot buy or sell unless we receive the mark of the beast. There is a reason why the words of Jesus have been translated in to over 2000 languages, and nothing comes remotely close (the Quran just over 100), because there is a God in heaven who desires to have a relationship with you, to know Him through His word, as that is how we personally get to know anybody. Come before the Lord with a contrite spirit, humble yourself, ask Him for His forgiveness, to receive the free gift of His salvation, to receive His Holy Spirit, so that you may be transformed into a new creature, into a child of the living God. Signage is displayed inside the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission headquarters in Washington, D.C. Courts Clash Over Religious Exemptions for Vaccine Mandates, Religious Suits Over Covid Shots Reveal Edge for Private Sector, Religious Vaccine Objections to Clash With Employer Defense, Fear of Losing Religious Exemption No Basis for Vaccine Lawsuit, Civil rights agency releases its internal form, Religious exemption requests rising in pandemic. This is not just a head knowledge of believing in Jesus, but rather receiving His words, taking them to heart, so that we may truly be transformed into the image of God. Odd for sure. Carl Sanders, with a team of engineers behind him, with U.S. grant monies supplied by tax dollars, took on this project and designed a microchip that is powered by a lithium battery, rechargeable through the temperature changes in our skin. The last three I see is the number 6 being used three times in a row. It is well known that many born-again Christians and Catholics are against abortion. I know, and am persuaded by the Lord Jesus, that there is nothing unclean of itself: And he that doubteth is damned if he eat, because he eateth not of faith: And when they had brought them, they set them before the council: and the high priest asked them, Saying, Did not we straitly command you that ye should not teach in this name? We were bought with a price and we alone answer to God. In addition, my second reason has to do with free will. I am grateful for Gods grace, mercy, and the patience He has shown to me in bringing me to these truths. We cannot count it as 600+600+600, or 60+60+60 because there are no zeroes in between or at the end of 666. Do not put anything about harm in your letter because that is not a protected belief. I am so upset at him. But by saying the number of it 666, implies that it is of the beast system as a whole. CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION* FOR HIRING PRACTICES ON THE BASIS OF RELIGION. Truly a great division is taking place between good and evilboth symbolically and literally (riots, unrest, politics). Did not the same one form us both within our mothers?. By taking remote learning, vaccinated members of the community do not have to worry about my vaccination status. Follow the steps below to protect your health, family, and freedom: 1. It once again deduces itself to this conclusion. (And this taxing was first made when Cyrenius was governor of Syria.) And one thing is certain, 2020 is truly being divided by Satan. Did not the same one form us both within our mothers?. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, answered and said to the king, O Nebuchadnezzar, we are not careful to answer thee in this matter. More could be said, but it is not our intent to wear you down through much writing. Please and thank you, This is very well written and my exact truth and beliefs. Great sign & seal. Hello how are you will this exemption form be suitable to jobs in New York, NY, City. In accordance with my spirit, I also fellowship with those whose faith and beliefs are different than mine or who have acted against their faith for fear of losing their job or being persecuted or outcast. If it be so, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and he will deliver us out of thine hand, O king. 15 My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth. Thank you for sharing, In full agreement Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666 (Revelation 13:16-18 NKJV). We were designed by and belong to God, and we are not to submit ourselves to redesign against his divine blueprint by another. Thank You!!! It means to add up. for we shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ. Fairly certain he will have a good read. In Matthew 9:22 Jesus turned, and seeing her he said, Take heart, daughter; your faith has made you well. And instantly the woman was made well.. The word is chi xi stigma, with the last part, stigma, also meaning to stick or prick. Carl believes this refers to a hypodermic needle (see photo). I dont see that LIU has an option for that online. I will exercise my religious freedom as well as others trusting in God for my health. It is capable of storing pages upon pages of information about you. In your letter, you are not required to list your specific religious . and, behold, ye have filled Jerusalem with your doctrine, and intend to bring this man's blood upon us. I will definitely be using it as a nurse who doesnt believe in this shot! Thank you, I will try this letter today. Will this letter be suitable in NSW AUSTRALIA regarding the CIVIL RIGHTS ACT mentioned in this letter? I value the blog post.Thanks Again. Recipient Address. Perhaps some people are true believers (in their God or gods, in humanistic progress, or these vaccines in general) and do not share our religious objections, and thus gladly receive them in faith. It is taking away another humans life and is a sin. Do you have one for children returning to school ? Businesses have leeway to issue vaccine mandates, but must consider individual accommodation requests for disabilities and sincerely held religious beliefs. We can see throughout time how we have been slowly conditioned to come to this point where we are on the verge of a cashless society. Blessings The government commissioned Carl Sanders to design a microchip for identifying and controlling the peoples of the worlda microchip that could be inserted under the skin with a hypodermic needle (a quick, convenient method that would be gradually accepted by society). This is the same throne where Jesus sits. Religious Reference Letter Sample and numerous books collections from ctions to scientic research in any way. I am the workmanship of God, perfect in HIM. God has a plan and a purpose for their lives. There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. We can try and follow the moral laws of the 10 commandments, but we will never catch up to them to be justified before a Holy God. Even the Pope came out and said its ok and that religious exemption doesnt apply to this vaccine for Catholics & Christians. Herein is our love made perfect, that we may have boldness in the day of judgment: because as he is, so are we in this world. I dont want to take that vaccine. Seek Him while He may be found! Supernatural? The unjust taking of human life is also called. It is well known that many born again Christians and Catholics are against abortion. Im looking forward to your response Alex! I will share. If you take the current year 2020 and divide it by the number 666 (known for its satanic implications) you will get the number 30330 (repeated). God bless you , Thank you so much for this letter I know it will work for in God Bless. I will also share all the resources with you that I can. What does it mean to count? I understand that you are caught in a difficult landscape with conflicting demands upon it from different directions, with OSHA and CMS mandates on one side, state law and constitution on another, and court rulings still forthcoming. hbbd```b``f @$S"Y2@$[2d '0{9\ "g@1lHP,6YDt[JF0 a Thank you for creating this letter. May God cintinue to inspire you to help others. One important concern is that there is no research on the long term effects of the vaccine. We do not consent to be subjects of the experiments of genetic engineering. For it is written, As I live, saith the Lord, every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess to God. Otherwise, I will be guilty of sin against God and my own conscience. OFCCP will do so in consultation with the Solicitor of Labor and the Department of Justice, as necessary. The New Testament was originally written in the Greek language. The purpose of this form is to start the accommodation process and help your agency determine whether you may be eligible for a religious exception. 16 Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be., Jeremiah 1:5 Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations., Proverbs 6:16-17 16 There are six things the LORD hates, seven that are detestable to him: 17 haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, Job 31:15 15 Did not he who made me in the womb make them? Ask employer for EXEMPTION. Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, An example of an unlawful mandate might include when Pharaoh demanded that the midwives perform. I have faith in the body that God gave me to fight Covid. Thank you so very very much. As part of their religious beliefs, many individuals object to vaccines. It is my faith that God is my Healer, and what is not damaged doesnt need to be fixed. I must keep my body pure at all costs. I will definitely be using this!! CHIP IN? scripture and the word that no one can add or remove and doesnt return void . If we as fallen humanity, created in Gods image, pose this type of justice, how much more a perfect, righteous, and Holy God? We afford them the freedom of their religion to follow their beliefs and conscience. Thus far we have discussed why these specific vaccines violated aspects of our faith and religious practice regarding the sanctity of human life, our respect for Gods creation, and resisting physical defilement of our bodies and spiritual sin against our conscience. Obama has used this phrase in the past on his twitter and people believe it is a subliminal message to receive the mark of the beast, that is to say the implantable RFID microCHIP that will go IN our body. As part of their religious beliefs, many individuals object to vaccines. Funeral Appreciation Letter Free Sample Letters. My faith in Jesus Christs meritorious work for me through his sinless life, death upon the cross, burial, and resurrection is at the center of who I am, what I do; and how I live my life. termination of our employment. That being said, I am using my free will to reject the vaccine. % With my conscious mind, I have the right to exercise my free will that was granted to me by God. to discuss plans on how to bring about a one-world system. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well . The original Greek word for mark is charagma, which means a scratch or etching. It is also interesting to note that the number 666 is actually a word in the original Greek. Can you tell me if you only give this to your employer or do you file it at the department of Health? Reading through this post reminds me of my previous room mate! Accordingly, I believe pursuant to my Christian faith, that my body is a temple of the Holy Spirit. Unrest, politics ) of Christ 162, you get 888 divide 144,000 162. Plans on how to bring this man 's blood upon us being ; you knit me together my. 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