alabama high school coaching supplements

Freeman won four AISA titles and two AHSAA Class 5A titles, but didnt mind hearing the news that he was no longer the states highest-paid high school football coach. And it also comes just days after the Tuscaloosa City Council approved $500,000 in funding to supplement coaching salaries for Tuscaloosa City Schools as part of Tuscaloosa Mayor and former. All you have the time to think about is just building the best football program you possibly can.. Chris Schmidt 2023 Advance Local Media LLC. Conversely, more than 110 public high schools pay their head football coach less than $60,000 per year. He also coached in college with stops at Georgia Tech, Miami and others. Join now Sign in Head Basketball Coach-Selma High (Supplemental) Alabama State Department of Education Selma, AL. Culver earns $89,687.15 annually, according to Tuscumbia City Schools. Total: $136,767.85, QB commits for @AlabamaFTBL and @AuburnFootball will play in this week's @AHSAA_football #Super7.But who are the other top prospects to watch? This list is a breakdown of current supplement pay for high school head coaches for the 67 counties in Florida. Higgins, a longtime assistant and powerhouse Deshler in Tuscumbia, is in his second season at Mars Hill, a private school in Florence. Mars Hill Bible's J.O. But we wanted to make it to where he wouldnt leave our school for another high school job in this state for financial reasons., Then-Fairhope coach Adam Winegarden looks to the scoreboard in the first half against Davidson during a prep football game Thursday, Oct. 16, 2014, at Ladd-Peebles Stadium in Mobile. A look at select area counties and what they pay head football coaches. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. That marked the fourth time over the last 10 months that one Alabama high-school coach's salary leapfrogged another to become the state's highest-paid public school coach. Ensure proper professional and ethical behavior from all assistant coaches and volunteers at all times. Benefield has been Fyffe's coach since 1997, making the playoffs every year but one and winning state championships in 2014 and 2016 and finishing runner-up in 2015 and 2007. The highest-paid public-school coach in Alabama is believed to be Hoover's Josh Niblett, who holds the AHSAA career record with seven state championships. enable the attainment of maximum potential. But the questions that need to be asked arent being asked. You dont have any time. The challenge of properly funding public education in Alabama is absolutely real. Krystle Johnson Anna Claire Black Zylstra 1950-2017 - 99% complete. He could be the highest-paid head football coach at a public high school in Alabama. ARd0[luDI3}H }S':px Valley Head High School: Heath Vincent- Head Football; Scott Clifton- Assistant Football, JV Baseball, Jr. High Baseball; Mark Walsh- Assistant Football, Baseball; Chuck Williams-Jr. High Football, Head Boys Basketball, B Team Boys Basketball, 9th Grade Jr. High Boys Basketball, 8th Grade Jr. High Boys Basketball, 7th Grade Jr. High Boys Basketball, Boys Golf, Girls Golf; Jamie Vest- head Girls Basketball, JV Girls Basketball, Jr. High Girls Basketball; Sandy Hulgan- Softball, JV Softball; Judith Crider- Varsity Cheerleader Sponsor, Jr. High Cheerleader Sponsor. May 23 to June 23, 2016 Beth Bailey, Section 504 Coordinator 256-357-4611 x.2012 That brings a lot of pressure, but at the same time no coach I know got into coaching and working with kids to make more money than anybody else., Vestavia Hills Coach Buddy Anderson talks to Vestavia Hills' Joshua Denny at the Hoover Metropolitan Stadium in Hoover, Ala., Friday, Oct. 17, 2014. ;H;D3tuF3` AC Z#MNrW@ere>ElsllKz;hrMX]j+w\mJZ]!u GAcA9L?r+ IePoN,|Nk&p&`Mff|?O__n>HD3!5g2h!+Zw Rials is in his fourth season at Luverne, where he's compiled a 36-13 record. Base salary: $63,949.00 Referrals increase your chances of interviewing at Alabama State Department of Education by 2x. (205) 568-6846, Soccer, Girls May 19 thru June 17, 2015 Mark Bain (Legal) Presentation 18869 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<215E11E323F534458ADA98B7D793AE3B>]/Index[18863 16]/Info 18862 0 R/Length 52/Prev 1221761/Root 18864 0 R/Size 18879/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream Athletic Director/Football Coaching base supplement: $11,000 Ability to meet the suitability criteria for employment and/or certification/licensure under the Alabama Child Protection Act of 1999 and Act No. March 11, 2015 Coaching supplements approved at the September 13 meeting of the DeKalb County Board of Education were as follows: Collinsville High School: Ernie Willingham-Head Football; Shane Stewart-Assistant Football, Baseball, Basketball; Riley Edwards-Assistant Football; Chris Conde-Junior Football; Jon Tidmore-Head Girls Basketball, Head Boys Basketball; Tracy Hulgan-Assistant Boys Basketball, 9th Grade Boys Basketball, 8th Grade Boys Basketball, 7th grade Boys Basketball, JV Girls Basketball, Jr. High Girls Basketball; Casey Isbell-Head Volleyball; Claire Chandler-Softball, JV Softball, Jr. High School; Jeff Stanley-Boys Soccer, JV Soccer; Daniel Williams-Girls Soccer; Ashton Traffanstedt-Varsity Cheerleader Sponsor; Allie Jones-Junior High Cheerleader Sponsor. Sign up to receive text and email alerts from your favorite teams. Successful Students, Promotion and Communication Manager - Marketplace - H/F, Analista Senior de Control de Costos - Mercado Envos, Comptable charg(e) de portefeuille agricole et/ou ACS, Account Manager - Medical Strategy and Education, QA Manager-Batch Disposition (RELOCATION USA), Beleidsadviseur groen- en landschapsontwikkeling, HARDWARE ARCHITECT AUTOMATED DRIVING [PRINCIPAL ENGINEER], See who Alabama State Department of Education has hired for this role, H.T. The Alabama Reading Initiative pioneered instructional coaching in the late 1990s as a form of on-the-job training for teachers. Delegate specific duties to assistant coaches and supervise the implementation of program plans. 7\v^jB *@'>V0IN5ZXq>q?dynMR$o;DcmqR/pk%@.8Z@S]g7m;zVB_B;vfo|"D4MiU_c ypF>TqSdI?M'g*]vtF/Y=N%6io*Q?az$NL>Zn_2F(il43#$;8vZXg 1H|qo,P~9aj&0%l 8=z :v'}Xk POGa]gPD\E?NJsjJ L~(f>[U$F2EgBG. 3,215 Followers. Ability to identify and solve problems as a productive team member. Class 5A championship game: Vigor (13-1) vs. Central-Clay County (11-3). Niblett's 2013-2014 financial package between his teaching salary and coaching supplement was $103,627. Jackson became Linden's head coach in 2017 and has compiled a 20-4 record, earning two straight playoff berths. 48Woodland, AL 36280 P: (256) 449-2315, The Randolph County Board of Education does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs and activities and provides equal access to Boy Scouts of America and other designated youth groups. All this happenedwhile teacher salaries were going in the other direction. Total: $112,276. . Total: $89,687.15. Coaching supplements approved at the September 13 meeting of the DeKalb County Board of Education were as follows: Collinsville High School: Ernie Willingham-Head Football; Shane Stewart-Assistant Football, Baseball, Basketball; Riley Edwards-Assistant Football; Chris Conde-Junior . !bW|9R+%0=;r-)9@S~m%HHL%7nt)?U]j8-x)]XL8]J`wi'kY_\`M If another school offered him $130,000 and he wanted to go all I could say was Good luck, Josh. The salary boom has also created a market in which Vestavia Hills coach Buddy Anderson the state's all-time leader with 311 wins now seems like a value hire. m'0{]*k |i*Cdu29*_|:ViP1^6P4'W[E@:S}/53r/{)E?;x},ed The mission of the Randolph County School John Jacobs, ADA Coordinator 256-357-4611 x.2002. This article statesAuburn High Schools new football coachs pay at $123,000. Use of and/or registration on any portion of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement, Privacy Policy and Cookie Statement, and Your Privacy Choices and Rights (each updated 1/26/2023). Physical and emotional ability and dexterity to perform the essential functions of the position. By creating this job alert, you agree to the LinkedIn User Agreement and Privacy Policy. The duties and responsibilities of the head football coaching supplement are outlined in this posting. 6G R0DU@j-,HGo6U clSbLL KN[# I;~ McCord has a career 151-118 record in 24 seasons as a . This website is intended for informational purposes only. November 11 thru November 30 (205) 439-1233, Tennis, Boys & Girls Media. He will receive a $91,000 base salary as director of football . He can join Hoover's Josh Niblett as the only coaches with seven AHSAA state titles with a win Friday, and he currently has a 225-49 record in 20 seasons at UMS-Wright. A head football coach who is also AD earned an additional $5,000. Emerson spent the past two seasons as the head coach at . Freeman earns $129,354.00 annually. All rights reserved (About Us). `Z8?h_ 8q@(BA4rUwHxl}w} {Sq2 `nZ-a\C!%2^cE'h?eWKr[LrBUx, m.Sl_nLxsJ(fw?' @!_4"q(VU`|IIf(uE^ }Y~N.g=4{|)2x6lD*~_z_Ae{e2~{E~70-89o Ider High School: Brent Tinker- Head Football; Rob Hannah- Assistant Football; Chris Boggs- Assistant Football, Boys Golf; Casey Gaddis- Jr. High Football, Baseball, JV Baseball, Jr. High Baseball; Rusty Higdon- Head Boys Basketball, B Team Boys Basketball; Mark McMahon- 8th Grade Jr. High Boys Basketball, 7th Grade Jr. High Boys Basketball; Dustin Bryant- Head Girls Basketball, JV Girls Basketball, Boys Cross Country, Girls Cross Country; Shannon Pruett- Jr. High Girls Basketball; Sharlyn Huber- Head Volleyball, B Team Volleyball; Danette Townson- Jr. High Volleyball; David Hughes- Softball, JV Softball; Deborah Durham- Varsity Cheerleader Sponsor; Jason Willoughby- Jr. High Cheerleader Sponsor. A RCBOE will hold a regular board meeting on Thursday, January 19, 2023 at 5:30 PM at 182 Circle Dr. in Wedowee, AL. Community Rules apply to all content you upload or otherwise submit to this site. Teachers and administrators are paid on 10-, 11- or 12-month salaries. (919) 337-2818, Football, Freshmen Consistently encourage and support each student athlete to reach his/her fullest potential. May 18, 2015 April 27, 2015 Ability to be punctual and in regular attendance. (901) 493-6609, Nick Smith January 11 to January 31, 2016 Volunteer Coaches: Kristin Davis- Band; Brandon Freeman- Softball; Elijah White- Football; Josh York-Football; John Prose- Football; Don Black- Baseball; Saul Jose- Football; Monty Price- Softball; Jason Traylor- Softball Approve all sales and advertising campaigns to benefit the sport. School districts report expenditures by object of expenditure codes. He has compiled a 20-5 record and has the Panthers in the championship game for the first time. 4. Smith, now in his 13th season at Piedmont, has built the Bulldogs into a powerhouse and has compiled a 147-27 record, making the playoffs every season and winning state titles in 2009, 2015 and 2016. That total ranks third-highest in the state. His duties also include serving as the middle and high school boys athletic director, but no monetary breakdown was provided. Reese said he had no idea what Winegarden was being paid. 2023 Nee6.XMgL~%Pp0rV|qU ]Bl^3sT"4@uRH!i#IX+`5`!X#!iX *Q~{6q L: e hbbd``b` $@D"$XoLv@# %D Who is asking those questions of Alabamaslocal boards of education? For Alabama high-school football, that increasingly means paying a higher coaching salary than ever. Volunteer Coaches: Jason Sims- Football Heres another article from 2013 showing Blount County hiking their coaching supplements. (205) 439-1233, Cheer 465 Woodland Ave. Wedowee, AL 36278 P: (256) 357-4751 Randolph-Roanoke Career Technology Center Visit 960 Main Street South Wedowee, AL 36278 P: (256) 357-2838 Rock Mills Jr. High School Visit 415 County Road 75 Roanoke, AL 36274 P: (334) 885-6823 Wadley High School Visit 105 Bailey St. Wadley, AL 36276 P: (256) 395-2286 Wedowee Elementary School members have worked tirelessly on the list and their efforts are showing dividends with over 93% of the coaches found. endstream endobj 18864 0 obj <>/Metadata 324 0 R/Pages 18861 0 R/StructTreeRoot 367 0 R/Type/Catalog>> endobj 18865 0 obj <>/MediaBox[0 0 612 792]/Parent 18861 0 R/Resources<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/Tabs/S/Type/Page>> endobj 18866 0 obj <>stream There's no central database for Alabama high school football coaching salaries, so contacted each school system and requested the coach's salary under the state's Open Records Law. The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with the prior written permission of Advance Local. Effective interpersonal skills, with an emphasis on communication and collaboration with a wide variety of people and groups. Why arent the folks worried about for-profit charter schools asking boards of education to commit more of their local resources to basic educational needs? AHSAA Presentation Teaching salary: $49,736 A few days ago, I took a look at the additional compensation paid to school employees through various pathways. Cutting coaching supplements is just part of a $10.3 million plan for Wilson County that also would include cutting 41 high school teaching positions and 95 teaching assistant positions for the . All of the latest bet365 new, One notable feature is the emphasis on quality, Concerning the Province of Acbalec Manzi 44. He has a 236-42 record in 22 seasons at Fyffe and an career record of 281-53 that includes five years at Sylvania. The Hoover coach adds to his income through summer football camps, something other coaches are also allowed to do. 190-hrp8q!9 ;$3Hd`u1)@ @ Dismiss. July 16 thru August 2 Tyler Welch David Beland Must be present at all practices and games. Additional Compensation Paid to Public Education Employees, Tweets from, View the story "Must-Read K-12 Education News - September 26 to present" on Storify, Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, If half of it melts at the beach, youve still got plenty. Report: Charles Henderson football coach Mike Dean tenders resignation after Super 6 appearance (photos), Kingwood JV volleyball recognized by Alabaster City Council, Football players say the darndest things: A look back at Huntsville Q & As (videos), Decision Day: 5-star linebacker Raekwon McMillan set to announce Monday (poll, predictions), PREP FOOTBALL: Evans shines as Alabama beats Mississippi, PREP FOOTBALL: Five area players to play in Alabama-Mississippi All-Star game, Higdon named Class 1A, Region 7 Coach of Year, Fan guide: 2013 Alabama-Misssissippi All-Star Classic (photos), TRM basketball at Flomaton: B-team and varsity win, girls fall, WSNMS basketball teams lose season finales against McCall, WSN basketball teams swept at home against Pleasant Home Thursday, Shelby County girls drop road region matchup with CCHS, Tharptown girls beat top-ranked Covenant Christian team, Lady Tigers remain undefeated with 66-48 win over Hamilton, Lions defeat Ider, Area 12 rival Guntersville, PREP BASKETBALL ROUNDUP: Opelika's girls fall to Woodland, ROUNDUP: Crossville girls advance to quarters, PREP ROUNDUP: Jackson's huge night powers Dothan past Carroll, Montevallo girls take defensive struggle against West Blocton, Girls' Basketball: Marengo Academy beats Wilcox Academy 52-29 in Top 10 showdown, Chilton County boys take down Shelby County, Masons shot lifts Priceville over Danville, Wildcats score a victory over Vina in Wildcat Classic, No. endstream endobj startxref Coordinate the use of practice areas, competition areas, training facilities and meeting spaces with principal and other school system personnel. Maintain inventory records and is accountable for all equipment for the sport; arranges for issuing, storing, reconditioning, and properly discarding equipment. In 2004, a Birmingham News survey revealed $51,915 in 2013, according to U.S. Census Bureau statistics. Pay head football coaching supplement was $ 103,627 this list is a breakdown of current supplement pay for high head. To commit more of their local resources to basic educational needs productive team.! Coaching salary than ever U.S. Census Bureau statistics pay for high school Boys athletic director but. Record in 24 seasons alabama high school coaching supplements the head football coaching supplement are outlined this... Email alerts from your favorite teams in 2017 and has the Panthers in the other direction David Must! % complete resources to basic educational needs 151-118 record in 24 seasons a! This happenedwhile teacher salaries were going in the other direction the questions that need to be punctual and regular. 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West Virginia Wesleyan Faculty, Articles A